Thursday 28 July 2016

Sudoku Puzzle For You

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Sudoku (soo-doh-koo, meaning "Single Number" in Japanese) is a decades-old number puzzle that is more logical & visual than mathematical. The most common grid (the one we know in modern times) is comprised of 9 squares, where each has it's own 9 smaller squares.

Originally created in France as Le Siècle, when it reached Japanese newspapers, it hit ultimate popularity as it was adopted by puzzle company Nikoli. After some various experimenting with names for it, they settled upon 'single number' (Sudoku 数独).

The goal is to get numbers 1-9 in each square, while being careful that no digits are repeated in any column, row or square.

It can be addictive for sure, but it starts out hard for beginners and gets easier as you do more & more. Eventually you can Time-Challenge yourself  *_<

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