Sunday 28 May 2017

Carnival Fair at Parkland Mall

Today is the last day of the fair at one of the malls here in Red Deer. Rob actually pointed it out to me on Friday afternoon and, realizing it was here for a few days, we decided to come back.

And it's a good thing we did. I had noticed one of the games, a balloon-popper one, had a bunch of Hello Kitties on display for the middle prizes. It took some money and a few tries, but Rob won her for me!

And we decided to name her 'Michael' after the name of the company that was running the travelling fair grounds. If anyone thinks that's odd, remember this blog is written by a female named Daryl ^_^

And so, being inspired by all the fun, colorful ambiance (and the awesome neon 80s dress on our new Hello Kitty) I decided today's #Kawaii365 project would be:

A ferris wheel!

Though we're not brave enough to go on one anymore (we've seen the seats too easily disassembled at their point on the wheel), they still make a wonderful artists' muse.

So be kind to one another and have an awesome beginning to a new week! xoxo

**I'm super grateful BTW, that the above photos turned out so well. We took them with a phone and couldn't see (so sunny!) until later when we were indoors**

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