Saturday, 4 April 2020

Where Have I Gone?

Hello lovely friends!


In 2016, I began this #Kawaii365 blog, which was a huge player in my career as a (now copyrighted) cartoonist. Together, we've experienced all kinds of posts referencing "cute pop culture" and I even suggested posts called:

-Review Wednesdays
-Feature Fridays
-and Are They Kawaii?
-as well as Retro Kawaii

I want to tell you all that it was a lot of fun, and I met some amazing people along this artistic and cultural journey.  I gained confidence, learned a lot, and gained new skills.  I learned what it means to truly appreciate fans...

Now, it's April 2020 and it seems I've fallen off the face of the Earth since the last post in September of last year, and I wanted to explain why, and where I've gone.

This pains me to be say... but the reason I stopped producing so many of these 'kawaii blog posts' is because they've caused me to be called a spammer, and started getting removed by facebook ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Yes, facebook. I don't know if someone reported me, or if it was an algorithm thing, but several months' worth of cute art and culture posts were removed, just like that.  I was shocked.  I was angry.  I was devestated.  And not only do I lament the loss of the posts themselves, but I got several accusatory messages from facebook, saying I "went against their community standards."   So... cute art isn't up to their standards then.

So this made me realize, if no one can see my posts anyway, why put my heart & soul into creating them?  So I stopped.

In the meantime, I have become copyrighted in the creation of the Zoo'd Animal Hybrid Friends, a kawaii-cute bunch of 'weird friends' who live on a planet discovered by a mad scientist, who put them there to protect them.  Please see the video below for more info:

Thank you to everyone who has shown support on this artistic and fun journey.  You all mean a lot to me. Blessings xoxo

Monday, 9 September 2019

Halloween Around The Corner

Hello sweet friends!  How are you?  

I am good, thank you.  It's been a super-long time since I've posted here... if you're still seeking out this blog on your own time, then thank you! I really appreciate you! ๐Ÿ˜˜

If you're wondering why I've stopped posting as often, well... it's mainly because several posts I've shared from this blog in the recent past (this last Spring) have been wrongfully marked as spam...


The majority of my kawaii art & culture posts that got removed, were removed via Facebook... I'm incredibly disappointed in them, if that's how they treat their users.  I did file a complaint with Facebook and requested a conversation via their Help Center, but sadly they never got back.  As upsetting as this treatment (and loss of several nice/sweet posts) was, I think the reason anything with "blogspot" in the URL was getting marked as spam was likely due to the crackdown on all the anti-vaxxing blogs.  Unfortunately that had a ripple effect on all bloggers...

So because I could no longer share links to posts on my Facebook groups & pages, I decided not to post here as much.

However, it is now about 1/3 into September, and stores are already showcasing my second-favorite time of year (second only to Christmas)โ€ฆ and that's...


Yes, it's super-exciting to be planning some spooky movies, cool costumes, creepy decorations, and super-sweet candy!  To help you get into a creepy mood, enjoy some eerie songs from my ghostly blog. 

Also, if you're brave enough, here is a comprehensive list of movies about ghosts - some of which aren't scary, and others... well, are

If less horrific movies are more your thing for this awesome time of year, then enjoy this more innocent list of Halloween movies, which are just as good ๐Ÿ˜Š


Anyway, thank you for following along on this blog, even when I'm not posting as much.  The true fans of Kawaii365 will remember that this blog started in the summer of 2016 (more than 3 years ago already, wow!) and that it helped "give birth" to the Zoo'd Animal Hybrid Friends, which is where a lot of my artistic effort is going these days.  If you're a fan of kawaii animals and cute cartoons, then by all means check them out! 

This is me holding the copyright certificate for them :)

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Artist Showcase

Hello sweet friends! ๐Ÿ˜Š

How are you?

The last time I posted was early March, and a lot has happened since then!

Elefox tees and more

First of all, I'd like to address the "elephant in the room" - facebook is on a Big Blog Deletion Rampage! At first, when I discovered my 9 (nine) notes of Kawaii365 throwbacks had been removed, I was distraught. They mistook my work for "spam" and so I went into facebook's Help Center and contacted them directly (after about half an hour of trying to figure out how to). I explained my situation as an artist, sharing posts from this very blog, for my friends, fans and family.  I was ignored for some time.  After awhile, I went onto blogging groups and asked others if they have had similar issues (having their links removed right out from under them, and accused of sharing spam).  As it turns out, the answer was a resounding YES!

From my research and chatting with fellow bloggers, it seems that since a recent issue with making vaccinations mandatory (which I support by the way), facebook has created a system to detect the anti-vaxxer mommy blogs and immediately remove them, with community health's interest at top of mind. This is good to remove harmful posts, but..... they've decided that ALL blog-related posts are spam. And that's not right.  Nine notes I made... for my beloved fans, and facebook removed them all....  and it's not just about me. They've done similar things to a lot of other bloggers.

So, out of support, some of my friends have suggested I share artwork and blog related posts on sites such as MeWe and even GetAssist.  I'd like to apologize for my being away since then - I've been battling depression since discovering those notes removed, and feeling victimized for sharing art.

Anyway, in lighter news...

whenever I feel "persecuted" for being an artist, it makes me stronger and I learn new ways of promoting my work.  In this case, I put together a video of my best works, to share with you.  Thank you, and enjoy:

If you truly are a fan, please feel free to pledge support for us (me and the Zoo'd Animal Hybrid Friends) at Patreon. You'll get monthly coloring pages, access to top-secret content, and a coupon code for Etsy!

Open the video on YouTube and share it on your social media - it's free, it's quick and you're helping my work get known within a wider circle.  Thank you ๐Ÿ˜

And before I go, I'd like to share my space-themed kawaii art with you. If you follow my Instagram, then you know that I recently took some paint to my denim jacket and made a little space scene of it:

I cannot wait until warmer weather so I can wear this outside!

And then, when I had to retire this cute bunny "wallet" (actually an Instax photo album, good for holding all kinds of cards, but eventually wore out)โ€ฆ

I decided to continue with the space theme, and when Rob gave me one of his wallets (brand new, just not used yet), I saw the blank/black surface as a new canvas.... 

Who knew decorating random surfaces could be so fun? 

Bonus: I am part Irish, and to celebrate that, I enjoy making Irish-themed tee decals for my RedBubble shop.  To celebrate this Saint Patrick's Day, I ordered my own "Lucky Duck" design. Here it is on my body: 

Have a great day! 
xoxo, Daryl J.

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Color Astrology

While Rob & I were on our family trip in Mexico (January 2019), we got a couple's massage at the Grand and Moon Palace's AWE*SPA.  And while I was drifting slowly out of consciousness (it was an aromatherapy one too, so maybe I got a little more "imaginative" from the herbs), I came up with, or at least realized there's, a connection between colors and zodiac signs.  For example, an Aries person is known to be bold, confident, impulsive, romantic - and so red is a color that matches that personality.  

And being a renowned "kawaii artist", I put my personal spin on this concept by making happy little paint cans to show off the colors ^_^

Red Rose - Aries: Passionate, athletic, impulsive temper, very confident, romantic, sexual, outgoing, independent, attractive, sometimes over-the-top. 

Orange Crush - Leo: Dynamic, warm, friendly, passionate, fun, youthful, intelligent, strong, sporty, outgoing, confident, loves to party, high-energy.

Mellow Yellow - Sagittarius: Friendly, adventurous, outgoing, never shy, forgives easily, fairly independent, cheerful, upbeat, loves music, being outdoors, sharing with others. 

Green Machine - Cancer (the crab): Fresh, healthy, nurturing, motherly, highly intelligent, loves simplicity and earthly pleasures, cares deeply about others.  

Blue Thunder - Gemini: High-energy, dynamic, life of the party, honest to a fault, bold, free-spirited, confident, trust-worthy, open-minded, curious.

Purple Reign - Aquarius: Supremely popular, silent confidence, deep thinker, killer style, creative mind, doesn't judge others and makes friends with just about everyone.

Pink Panther - Libra: Always in style, loves to have fun, social butterfly, romantic soul, falls in & out of love easily, attractive, smiles a lot, erotic imagination, appreciates art, beauty & music. 

Chocolate Brown - Taurus: Comfortable, craves pleasure, loves earthly pleasures such as touch, warmth, delicious food, soft fabrics; deeply intelligent & thoughtful, sometimes shy, sometimes not.

Grey Charles - Pisces: Fifty shades of 'intriguing', so deep it can bewilder others, a lot of facets built into one complex person, dreamy, wild child, hard to tie down sometimes, can put on a faรงade sometimes; incredibly adaptable to surroundings.

White Delight - Virgo: Meticulous, prim & proper, seething desire to break free and be bad; organized, detailed, well-spoken and elegant, questions a lot.

Tan Fan - Capricorn: Earthy, self-oriented, goal-achiever, well-disciplined, enjoys sensual pleasures, sometimes quiet, sometimes bold; outlandish sense of humor. 

Black Jack - Scorpio: Intense, passionate, intimidating sometimes, deeply emotional & moody, occasionally unpredictable, romantic/erotic, into the darker side of life, poetic. 

So there you have it. Whether this describes your favorite color, or your sun sign - or both in the same description (though it's not saying you need to have this color as your favorite if it's with your sun sign; these are just parallels), does it ring true to you?  

Let us know in the comments!

Daryl J.

*To own a tee shirt with your sun sign on it, check out these ones on RedBubble

Friday, 1 March 2019

Review of Cute Candy Food

Hello everyone (๏พ‰โ—•ใƒฎโ—•)๏พ‰*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง

It's been awhile (a month) since I've posted here with you guys, and a lot has happened. I've had some recent ideas for individual blog posts, but then I got an idea to do a nice combined one for you instead ^_^

Valentine's Day

I'm going to start with the gifts Rob got me for our 11th Valentine's Day together - he found a pink Hello Kitty which has hearts right in her fur!  And he also got me a pre-Easter one as well, since it's undeniably cute that she's holding a egg-shaped bunny.

You can see pretty well my whole collection at @hello_sweet_kitty

My Birthday

So as you know, I celebrated my 31st birthday on Monday, February 25th (I'm a sun Pisces) and Rob surprised me with a really cool Stranger Things bag. One of my work pals showed me photos of this cute bag because she knows I am obsessed with this show. So then I dragged Rob to EB Games to show him the bag, only to come away disappointed by the higher price. Then, a couple weeks later, he presented it to me as a birthday gift! 

If you are curious, at first glance it's "all the characters", but upon closer inspection, you can see it's a variety of Eleven's different looks. The ones from Hawkin's Lab when she's got her head shaved and lab equipment attached to her. There is the famous blonde wig look - including later without the wig when she's caught stealing Eggos. Then there is the "farm girl" look when she first meets her long-lost sister, followed by the cooler "Bitchin'" look they give her. And last but not least, the Snow Ball Dance look, when she dances with Mike - so romantic! 

A Busy Month

As you can see by the picture below, February has been a pretty busy month! 

This is one of four calendars available on my Etsy Shop - Now only 99 cents CAD

I was doing everything from attending tax workshops at RDC and practicing pictures for Art Battle, to painting an Adirondack chair for a fundraising event for Red Deer's own CentreFest, and attempting to create two characters for Nuit Blanche (sadly, they were not able to make it). 

Art Battle February 26, 2019

part of the Adirondack chair project (2019)

Paul the Polar Bear (Polly the Penguin not pictured). Designed for Nuit Blanche.

Miniature painting I created while practicing for Art Battle. I used acrylics, with small brushes on a "velvety" black plastic piece, about 4 inches by 1.75 inches.

Cute Candy Food Review

I bet by now, you were thinking the title was some sort of click baitโ€ฆ haha I didn't troll you. I really AM reviewing some cute candy burgers and hot dogs.  Rob & I went on a date this month to Heritage Lanes bowling alley, which has a pretty cool arcade! 


So we played some games and earned some tickets, and had enough to get these 2 widdle (little) hot dogs and 2 widdle burgers - *SQUUEEEE*

My husband asked if they were even edible - after all, they do sort of look like erasers. They seem to be called efrutti as a brand name. I've never seen that confectionary brand before, but it's pretty decent.  On a personal level, I'm not a huge fan of chewy candies (I prefer chocolates, or suckable things on sticks like lollipops, though I am partial to sour keys).  So my review of these is objective.

I opened one of the hotdogs - right away, the "wiener" came out of the bun. I'm not sure if it was designed to be taken apart, but I actually liked that. It made it fun. The "bun" felt very soft & smooth, which was nice. It also had a pleasant fragrance. I didn't eat the bun, but did eat the wiener part and found it too chewy for my taste.  Though it did taste okay.  I think for those who are fans of chewy candies, these would be a real treat! 

Kawaii Fridge Magnets for Sale

And these popular, funny, cute and downright silly magnets are for sale again. In the past, both on Etsy and at The Market here in Red Deer, I've sold them individually for $2 each.

Then, around Christmas this last year, I was selling the five-packs for $5 each (making each magnet 50% off). 

Now, I have a few packs left and they are going for $2/pack!! That's over half price! 

All 5 magnets - designed and crafted by me - are for you, for only $2 CAD.  This deal isn't currently on Etsy, but we can meet in person if you live in Red Deer and I'll give them to you that way, OR if you're not in Red Deer, email me your mailing address and you can eTransfer me at  

They make great gifts, workplace or school locker decorations, or just fun magnets for your fridge at home. Who doesn't love a little giggle to brighten their day? 

Thank you everyone for being here with me today!

xoxo, Daryl J. 


Friday, 1 February 2019

Christmas Stocking of Kawaii Cuteness

Wow, it's apparently been a loooong while since I've posted here 

The last time was around Halloween - my second-favorite season, trumped by Christmas! And speaking of Christmas, that's what I'm here to write about today - some of the amazing stocking stuffers from my awesome hubby-bubby Rob โ™ฅโ€ฟโ™ฅ

So I'll start with photos and follow with the story:

In order from top:

When I was a little girl (about grade 6), I had one of the uber-popular Tamagotchi toys. I took care of that thing like there was no tomorrow, right down to waking up late-night or early morning when the thing beeped. I snuck it to school but when a teacher took it - later giving it back with a promise from me not to bring it to school - the poor thing died. And those late 90s/early 00s models didn't have the reset capability that today's models have. I was devastated at the time, and though still intrigued with the idea of "raising" another one, I didn't bother for a long time. 

Anyway, during a 2018 trip to Sunrise Records here in Bower Mall, I saw some on display and turned into a total fangirl! So Rob surprised me by putting a pink one in my stocking. I've since played with it and it died - the one above is a duplicate because I lent the original gift to a good friend, who in turn misplaced it and so I went to replace it recently at the Toys R Us in Bower (these buggers are still insanely popular and sell out quick)! Below is a video of me grieving for the original one [Rob got me for Christmas] during a family trip to Cancun:

And the following photos [above] are of some of those awesome cookies from Second Cup - a confectionary brand called A Couple of Squares - these particular sugar cookies in Christmas themes, such as a candy cane & hot chocolate, as well as a toque and mitt (so Canadian)! I adore these cookies mainly for their kawaii aesthetic and long shelf life. It's incredible that they're all hand-made! 

And speaking of...

โ€ฆthe recent trip to Cancun, see this post on the Zoo'd Animal Hybrid Friends, to read about this cute bag's adventures:

This just in - 2019 is already 1/12th over. Therefore, the calendars I've made for your enjoyment, are Now on clearance

Zoo'd Animal Hybrid Friends:

Support the growing Zoo'd Animal Hybrid Friends on Patreon:

Thank you! (๏พ‰โ—•ใƒฎโ—•)๏พ‰*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

19 Halloween Movies That Are Family-Friendly

Boo! ๐Ÿ‘ป

If over-the-top jump scares, terrifying specters and gory bloodbaths aren't your Halloween scene, then check out these 19 family-friendly, mostly PG classics, enjoyed by many, year after year...

CGI Fan Favorites

Cute Monsters

Ghouls Rule touches on Halloween itself, but any Monster High film is appropriate.

Goosebumps (2 is still in theatres)

Halloween Classics through generations

Hotel Transylvania franchise

"Spoopy" Ghosts

Tim Burton Classics

Other Great Stop-Motion Films

So, there you have it. Whether you're renting them on Netflix, Shaw on Demand, or happen to have a copy on DVD, these 19 films are sure to give you happy chills without nightmares!

๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘ป ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘ป ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘ป ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘ป ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘ป